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goat age

How long do goats live?

There are a lot of different breeds of goat out there and life expectancy varies depending on the breed, although in general, domesticated goats live between 10 and 15 years on average. There are various factors, apart from the breed, which can affect the lifespan… Read More »How long do goats live?

savanna goat characterstics

Goat Anatomy

As a goat owner, there are a variety of reasons to learn about the anatomy of your chosen herd, depending on your reasons for raising them in the first place (breeding, dairy, wool production, etc.). Whatever your reason for keeping them, understanding goat anatomy is… Read More »Goat Anatomy

goat dying

Goat Dying Symptoms

Contents1 Why find out more?2 A healthy goat2.1 Temperature2.1.1 How do I take my goat’s temperature?2.2 Verbal communication2.3 Stress3 Other signs of illness4 Goat diseases4.1 Bloat4.2 Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE) 4.3 Pneumonia4.4 Q Fever4.5 Paratuberculois ( Johne’s Disease)4.6 Coccidiosis4.7 Urinary calculi4.8 To sum up: Why find… Read More »Goat Dying Symptoms

goat treats

Goat treats

Goat treats can come in many different forms and can be given for a wide range of uses. From a way to give your goats enjoyment, to am expression of love, to a fun way to dispose of choice kitchen scraps, to training tools to… Read More »Goat treats

savanna goat breed

Savanna Goat Breed Overview

The Savanna goat (also spelled Savannah goat) is a meat goat breed with origins in South Africa. Evidence of goats in South Africa goes back to the fifth and sixth centuries, when the Bantu and Khoekhoe migrated southward and brought with them the various multi-coloured… Read More »Savanna Goat Breed Overview