Goat Tips

Useful tips for raising healthy and happy goats.

goat names


Goat Names

Need a name for your goat? Explore hundreds of name ideas!

savanna goat characterstics
Goat Anatomy

As a goat owner, there are a variety of reasons to learn about the anatomy of your chosen herd, depending on your reasons for raising them in the first place (breeding, dairy, wool production, etc.). …

goat eye
10 Surprising Facts About Goat Eyes

Eye’ve got something to tell you about… Goat eyes! Whether it is about how weird they may be, or how to breed for a favorite color of the eye, or how to keep them safe, I have honestly hea…

goat cart
Goat Cart – History, Information & Goat Training

Now when you hear of goat carts, you are likely one of two groups of people. Either those who had no clue that such a thing exists and may be thinking this whole article is a joke or someone who has g…

goat treats
Goat treats

Goat treats can come in many different forms and can be given for a wide range of uses. From a way to give your goats enjoyment, to am expression of love, to a fun way to dispose of choice kitchen scr…

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